Your child can avoid catching lice if they don't share hats, combs, brushes, ties, towels, helmets, ipod earphones, pillows, sleeping bags, etc. Try to keep long hair up in a braid. You might want to
try our repellent, which contains citronella and can help repel head lice.
We advise not to wash the hair every day. Lice can attach easier to a
squeaky clean hair shaft than a dirty one. Build up of natural
oils and hair products can “coat” the hair shaft making it more difficult for head lice to grasp the hair.
We recommend parents do weekly head checks focussing on the nape of neck, and behind ears. Use the
licenders metal comb to find and remove small nits. Be alert to the symptoms of head lice which include itching at the scalp, small, red bumps or sores on the neck and/or scalp.

If your child plays sports, do not share helmets – if they do end up sharing helemets spray them with
our helmet spray.
RoshNakki and it's sister company in the USA, LICENDERS are the professional service for the safe removal of head lice and the nits they leave behind. Now you can benifit from their years of experience. Please visit our websites for more information. We are happy to answer all questions.
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug. Please feel free to call in your questions & visit our websites:
http://www.roshnakki.co.il/ &