Usually nits found further away from the scalp than ½ inch will have already hatched; what is found is the empty shell which remains attached. The easiest way to remove cemented eggs is to cut them out or to
soak the hair in licenders oil for 10 - 30 minutes and then comb out with a metal lice comb. If any nits still remain, apply Licenders combing solution and activating powder .
Head lice are restricted to humans with a scalp surface temperature of around 80o F.
or a little more, but head-to-head contact and sharing of clothing, hair ornaments and grooming materials are the normal routes of invasion. Temperature preference and perhaps humidity is so critical that lice easily die at elevated temperatures. At lower surface temperatures (about 50o F.) lice become torpid and do not move or feed.
Head louse nymphs hatch from nits on hair shafts snatched by brushes and deposited on knit hats. The tiny nymphs then move toward the warmth of the next head covered by the cap or brushed by the brush. This normally limits transmission to siblings that have their hair brushed with a “family brush” or children who share knit hats or hair brushes of friends. Get your own brush and cap and become “selfish”.
RoshNakki and it's sister company in the USA, LICENDERS are the professional service for the safe removal of head lice and the nits they leave behind. Now you can benifit from their years of experience. Please visit our websites for more information. We are happy to answer all questions.
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug. Please feel free to call in your questions & visit our websites: http://www.roshnakki.co.il/ http://www.roshnakki.com/ ,
& http://licenders.com/
The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level. Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. 077 550 6369