Adult head lice are gray and about 1/8 inch long, about the size of a sesame seed. They often have a tiny dot on their backs. They thrive only on human hair and scalps. Hatching occurs about one week after attachment. Since lice go through a gradual metamorphosis, the tiny nymphs resemble adults. They grow to maturity in about 10 days. Adult lice mate and the female can lay about 50-150 eggs in their life of only several weeks.
Wetting the hair and rubbing the scalp with a towel irritates the adult lice and makes them move about, aiding in their detection. Shampoo your hair with Licenders Enzyme Shampoo and then follow up with a thorough combing using the Licenders Comb . Lice scuttle about on the scalp between hairs with much more speed than expected of a small, soft, wingless insect with slender hair grasping claws on the end of blunt legs. They are sensitive to oil, so we also advise using Licenders oil to kill the lice and help remove the nits.
LICENDERS is the largest professional service in the northeast and has treated thousands of children. Now we have two clinic's in Israel. RoshNakki "Clean Head" ROSH NAKKI has offices in Jerusalem and Ranaana,both locations offer the service done in the comfort of your own home! The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level. Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. 0775506369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug.http://www.roshnakki.co.il/ ,http://www.roshnakki.com/ & http://licenders.com/