Using enzymes is a method of how to get rid of head lice, using biology. Licenders shampoo contains enzymes that do the same thing to get rid of lice nits, as enzymes that are produced naturally. In nature, enzymes exist in many different living things, in order to break down their food.
Spiders, scorpions, and other living creatures rely on enzymes to break down the insects that they eat. Even plants that eat insects, like the famous Venus Fly Trap use enzymes to digest the bugs. Bacteria and mold also use enzymes to break down sources of food – often ruining the food in the process.
The enzymes prematurely break down a louse the same way that this happens in nature. The enzymes in Licenders Shampoo break down the shell of the human hair louse, leaving it without protection, and causing it to die. Enzymes digest insects, including head lice, on contact. This is how to get rid of head lice quickly. The lice will die within seconds! Using enzymes, is using a resource found in nature to get rid of headlice effectively.
By using nature to eliminate the lice problem, the RoshNakki success rate is much higher than other products out there. Using this natural method of safe lice treatment is more reliable than using the dangerous chemicals and pesticides found in other products.
ROSH NAKKI has offices in Jerusalem and Ranaana,both locations offer the service done in the comfort of your own home! The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level. Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. 0775506369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug.
Spiders, scorpions, and other living creatures rely on enzymes to break down the insects that they eat. Even plants that eat insects, like the famous Venus Fly Trap use enzymes to digest the bugs. Bacteria and mold also use enzymes to break down sources of food – often ruining the food in the process.
The enzymes prematurely break down a louse the same way that this happens in nature. The enzymes in Licenders Shampoo break down the shell of the human hair louse, leaving it without protection, and causing it to die. Enzymes digest insects, including head lice, on contact. This is how to get rid of head lice quickly. The lice will die within seconds! Using enzymes, is using a resource found in nature to get rid of headlice effectively.
By using nature to eliminate the lice problem, the RoshNakki success rate is much higher than other products out there. Using this natural method of safe lice treatment is more reliable than using the dangerous chemicals and pesticides found in other products.
ROSH NAKKI has offices in Jerusalem and Ranaana,both locations offer the service done in the comfort of your own home! The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level. Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. 0775506369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug.