No pediculicide poison should be used on infants, pregnant women or nursing mothers or on cut or abraded scalps. No poison should ever be used to “treat” lice twice if it failed the first time, clearly indicating the lice may, at the very least, be resistant or immune to that particular product/poison. There are no poisons in LICENDERS Shampoo & Enzyme Cleaners. There are three nymphal stages. During the first stage the nymph is a pale straw color and has no central nervous system and, therefore, can not be killed using volatile, synthetic pesticide neurotoxins or by poisons that attack the central nervous system . The poisons can and do, however, attack your central nervous system! When the first-stage nymphs have taken a meal of blood they are shining red in color, like rubies. Afterwards the blood darkens and thereafter the gut appears purplish-black. The young nymph is able to feed almost immediately after emergence and after this feeds regularly, at least twice daily. The nymphs and adults feed by pressing the front of their heads against the skin of their hosts; a series of curved teeth around their mouths then fasten on to the skin and the piercing stylets are released from a pouch where they are normally invisible, to pierce the skin. Saliva from the salivary glands lubricates the stylets and they begin to feed on you. The enzymes in LICENDERS PRODUCTS create an extra “molt” the lice weren’t anticipating and it will quickly destroy them and help remove nits/glue. Lice can not become resistant (immune) to LICENDERS enzyme cleaners.
LICENDERS is the largest professional service in the northeast and has treated thousands of children. Now we have two clinic's in Israel. RoshNakki "Clean Head" ROSH NAKKI has offices in Jerusalem and Ranaana,both locations offer the service done in the comfort of your own home! The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level. Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. 077 550 6369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug
visit our web sites.