Previously, we introduced the subject of lice combs, and how to choose the best one. As explained in the past, that when treating head lice, the most important factor may very well be the lice comb. There are many different lice combs available these days. The comb that you use must have teeth that are spaced extremely close together. It is very important when you purchase a lice comb, that it is coming from a source that has expertise specifically in human headlice.
Some lice removal products are tested on pubic lice, or body lice. Both pubic and body lice are larger than the human head lice parasite. The lice nits and nymphs (baby lice) that live on the heads of children are extremely small. When a nit is first laid, it is as tiny as a speck of dandruff, or the knot in a piece of thread. If the tines of the lice comb are not tight enough, these tiny nits will not come out of the hair. Left in the hair, the nits will continue to incubate and grow, eventually hatching into new bugs, and restarting the cycle of head lice.
Remember that even after you use an effective lice shampoo, nits in the hair are still viable. Shortly after the lice shampoo treatment, a nit can hatch, and tiny nymphs will already begin to thrive on the head. When you are combing out the nits, you want to be sure that you are also catching those tiny baby lice. A nymph, which is a newly hatched baby louse starts out the size of a grain of sand – and crawls very quickly. A worthwhile lice comb, used with an effective combing-out method, should be successful in catching even those tiny nymphs between the teeth.
ROSH NAKKI has offices in Jerusalem and Ranaana,both locations offer the service done in the comfort of your own home! The Jerusalem office is located in the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A. The Ranaana office is located on Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level.Call for an appointment or just to ask questions.077 550 6369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il
All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug. &