A louse can crawl off of a head onto a pillow, the head rest of a couch, or any other location where a person typically rests their head. Although this is not where head lice thrive, it can happen. The louse will die usually within 24 hours off of a human head. Without human blood it simply can’t live. It cannot lay eggs anyplace off of a head either. In such an instance, it is possible that a louse that has crawled onto furniture can crawl back onto a different child’s head in the short time that it is still alive. Despite the fact that this situation seems unlikely, it can happen, and the risk is significant enough to warrant some attention. We would like to recommend a safe enzyme spray that kills any lice that has crawled off of a head . Additionally, people typically shed some hair in places that they rest their heads. Such a hair can have a nit on it. Nits are laid near the scalp because they need warmth to grow. However, a nit that is almost 7 days old, and close to hatching may not die even if the hair falls off the person. If the nit hatches off of a human, the nymph, or baby louse is doomed, since it needs to eat right away in order to survive. Stray hairs sometimes “attach” themselves to another person’s head via static electricity. We are talking about loose hairs that will certainly fall off within a few hours or in the shower. In the short amount of time that a loose hair with a nit may “hang” onto another person, there is a possibility that the nit can hatch into a baby louse, and start the cycle again on the new host! This is one way that re-infestation CAN happen. In an occurrence of lice, removal of stray hairs from places where someone typically rests their head is necessary. The simplest and safest way to remove lice, or fallen hairs with attached nits, from upholstered furniture, rugs, or car seats is to use a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming the areas that a child or adult has likely rested their head, will remove the hair from these places. This makes it impossible for a louse or nit to find its way onto another head, and it will die. We wish to announce to our friends, for your convenience we now have 2 locations for LICE TREATMENT IN ISRAEL The ROSH NAKKI office located in the Jerusalem Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A also offers the service done in the comfort of your own home! Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. Call for an appointment: 077 550 6369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.IlThe ROSH NAKKI office located in Ranaana: Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level (across from Hat Store) 0775506369