Tuesday, December 15, 2009

In the past few weeks, we have presented helpful information about cleaning your house when your child has been diagnosed with lice or nits. We have explained that when dealing with human head lice in the main living areas of your home, you need to be concerned with places where a person is likely to rest their head. When dealing with the bedrooms, linens, toys, and closets need to be addressed as well, because it is more likely that there are stray hairs around with viable nits on them. To finish up the job of cleaning your house of hair lice and nits, do a quick review of your bathrooms. Remove any used towels and wash them in hot water in the washing machine. Dry them on high heat for at least 30 minutes. Remove visible stray hairs that may contain nits, from bathtubs, sinks and showers by collecting them with a paper towel. Dispose of these hairs by placing them in a knotted plastic bag and toss them in your trash. You have removed hairs from the head rests of chairs and couches, and treated the relevant items in your bedrooms and bathrooms. The same procedure applies to recently used coats and jackets. If you have a closet with such outerwear, it is only significant if the clothing has been used in the past 2-3 days before the lice diagnosis. In such a case, refer to our previous post on cleaning clothing during a lice infestation. Remember that head lice treatment for your house is mostly a matter of removing stray hairs that may contain nits. Human head lice will not survive on floors, or on chairs, or in closets - because they need to feed on human blood a few times a day. As we have stated many times before, a human head louse will die within 24-48 hours off of a human head. The way to preserve the job you have done ridding your house of lice and nits, is to maintain the lice-free status of your child's head. Once you have used an effective lice shampoo, and methodically combed out all of the nits, you must continue the combing out process every night for about two weeks, to ensure that there are no remaining nits. If this maintenance is not done, having clean linens, sofas, and towels, will not prevent remaining nits from hatching and starting the process all over again!LICENDERS has opened in Israel as "Rosh Nakki" Head Lice Treatment Centers We wish to announce to our friends, for your convenience we now have 2 locations for LICE TREATMENT IN ISRAEL The ROSH NAKKI office located in the Jerusalem Medical Center in the Wolfson Building Rechov Diskin 9A also offers the service done in the comfort of your own home! Call for an appointment or just to ask questions. Call for an appointment: 077 550 6369 or e-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il
The ROSH NAKKI office located in Ranaana: Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram entrance level (across from Hat Store) 0775506369