Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Head Lice Products : What To Avoid

Although there are several different kinds of head lice products to help treat the problem, many times it will take awhile before completely removing all lice, nymphs and nits. The important thing to remember is to be patient. Many people become discouraged when attempting to get rid of head lice. There are several problems and processes that can go wrong and cause the treatment to be delayed. Everything from not treating the problem correctly to the lice actually becoming immune to the chemical based shampoo or solution can go wrong. The most common problem is that people do not follow the directions correctly with head lice products. Skipping even the smallest step can cause the entire process to fail. LICENDERS head lice products are laid out with clear directions, along with what tools are required. Another problem that goes along with following the directions is follow-up treatments. In almost all cases it will take at least two or three treatments to get rid of all lice. Generally, the first treatment will kill all of the live lice and the second treatment will kill the nits that hatched. Typically you should wait around 7 days before applying the second treatment.
LICENDERS HAS EXPANDED INTERNATIONALLY With 2 convenient locations in Israel. Our salons are called RoshNakki which means “clean head” in Hebrew.The Jerusalem clinic,
established in 2008 is located at the Medical Center in the Wolfson Building - Rechov Diskin 9A call for an appointment 077 550 6369 Our newest clinic, in the center of Israel is located in Ranaana: Achuza St 96 Mercaz Elram and can be reached at the number listed aboveBoth locations offer houscalls & salon service. All our administrators, clinicians, and office staff are fluent in English and Hebrew to make you experience as comfortable as possible. E-mail ROSHNAKKI@NETVISION.NET.Il