Monday, October 5, 2009

Head Lice - What to look for

Although it is rather difficult to detect, there are certain things that you should look for when identifying head lice. Many times it is children between the ages of 4-11 that get head lice, making it vital that you check your child every so often. Another great way to identify whether or not your child has head lice is to pay attention to the common symptoms. However, first it is important that you know what lice look like. Head lice are grayish in color and very difficult to spot in someone’s hair because of their small size. The average size of an adult louse is between 2 to 4 mm. While their size makes it difficult to find them, it is also their quick speed that makes it difficult to identify them. Louse move very rapidly with their six legs across the scalp of the infested person. The reason lice are found in and around the head of people is because they require warmth and humidity to survive. Head lice are most commonly found around the back of the infested person’s head and behind their ears, being that these are the warmest areas on the head. What is troubling is that lice show no signs of preferring a dirtier scalp that is warmer. In fact, head lice tend to prefer cleaner scalps more than anything. When in Israel visit our Head Lice Treatment Centers in Jerusalem and Ranaana. When in the United States for lice treatment call 1-888-LICENDERS