Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lice Facts

Myths about head lice are abundant and belief in these myths is often why they are so difficulot to get rid of!

1.Head lice do not discriminate towards any socio-economic group and are not related to bad health, hygiene habits, or your parenting skills.

2. Head lice do not transmit disease.

3. Head lice feed only on human blood.

4. Head lice do not come from animals or pets and cannot survive on a nonhuman host.

5. Itching of the scalp is usually the first noticeable sign. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the lice. 50% of people do not have this reaction!

6. The time between when the egg is laid until the live insect dies is about 30-33 days. A female louse can lay up to 300 nits.

7. There are approximately 5 female lice for every male louse.

8. Head lice do not jump or fly, but they can crawl really fast!

9. Humans cannot catch nits. They are eggs and do not travel.

10. Transmission of the adult head louse usually occurs through direct contact.

Now you can call RoshNakki and they can do all the combing and tretmant for you.