Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to avoid catching lice again

Say the word “lice” and everyone immediately gets nervous. It's a natural reaction—after all, the thought of tiny bugs living in your hair and drinking your blood is not cool. Still, head lice is common when the kids are young. There are six to 12 million infestations every year, particularly with kids ages three to twelve. “The most important thing to remember is that a case of head lice is a pain in the neck, but it isn't a disease, nor does it cause disease. Try not to get over-anxious. Treat it and move on.

Here's how to prevent, recognize and treat head lice.

You can do everything right and your family could still end up with lice. Head lice have nothing to do with hygiene or income level; anyone can get them. The most common way head lice spreads is head to head contact, such as two kids bending over the same coloring book. Because lice can't live long off the scalp, it's much harder, but not impossible, for lice to be spread by sharing hats, brushes, hair accessories and combs.

Still, it's a good idea not to share these items.

If even after being careful, your child gets lice you can always call RoshNakki either to answer your questions or to clean your children out.