Lice Outbreak Hits City Schools
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 6:13 PM
It's Highly Contagious
Eyewitness News' Stacey Sager
(New York - WABC, November12, 2008) (WABC) -- There is an outbreak of head lice across our area, and it is highly contagious.
It often happens at this time of year and it is a lot of work to get rid. But there are some simple treatments that can help.
Eyewitness News reporter Stacey Sager has the story.
Mekala Pavlin was sent home from her school today here on the Upper West Side and she certainly wasn't the only one. Groups of 8th graders in the gifted program here at MS 54 were told to leave the building after their school nurse said they have head lice.
Emma Lawrence, 8th grader: "The nurse sat down with gloves. She took like the quickest look at my hair and she just opened the part and she said, 'oh, you have lice.'"
Miranda Langrehr, 8th grader: "Automatically, by a certain period of school, I hear people were going home by the numbers and my class number started going down."
In fact, the department of education says about 20 students here have been sent home recently. This pesty problem, not only at one school, but there are reports of cases at public and private schools all over the tri-state area right now.
Experts say it's that time of year where kids sometimes come home with it after summer camp. And not every school has such an aggressive lice checking program right at the start of the year.
Adie Horowitz, "Licenders" Inc.: "It's always the schools that check that stay more or less under control. And these schools that don't check are the ones we find the most problems in."
Avoid head-to-head contact. For example, don't share hats, combs or hairbrushes.
And lastly, try to check your child once every two weeks for lice.
(Copyright ©2008 WABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)
Lice Outbreak Hits City Schools
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 6:13 PM
It's Highly Contagious
Eyewitness News' Stacey Sager
(New York - WABC, November12, 2008) (WABC) -- There is an outbreak of head lice across our area, and it is highly contagious.
It often happens at this time of year and it is a lot of work to get rid. But there are some simple treatments that can help.
Eyewitness News reporter Stacey Sager has the story.
Mekala Pavlin was sent home from her school today here on the Upper West Side and she certainly wasn't the only one. Groups of 8th graders in the gifted program here at MS 54 were told to leave the building after their school nurse said they have head lice.
Emma Lawrence, 8th grader: "The nurse sat down with gloves. She took like the quickest look at my hair and she just opened the part and she said, 'oh, you have lice.'"
Miranda Langrehr, 8th grader: "Automatically, by a certain period of school, I hear people were going home by the numbers and my class number started going down."
In fact, the department of education says about 20 students here have been sent home recently. This pesty problem, not only at one school, but there are reports of cases at public and private schools all over the tri-state area right now.
Experts say it's that time of year where kids sometimes come home with it after summer camp. And not every school has such an aggressive lice checking program right at the start of the year.
Adie Horowitz, "Licenders" Inc.: "It's always the schools that check that stay more or less under control. And these schools that don't check are the ones we find the most problems in."
Avoid head-to-head contact. For example, don't share hats, combs or hairbrushes.
And lastly, try to check your child once every two weeks for lice.
(Copyright ©2008 WABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)