Monday, December 21, 2009

Treating Head Nits and Lice

It is important that you begin treating lice immediately before it spreads and becomes a serious problem. A single female louse can lay up to 150 eggs, or nits, in her lifetime. The longer you leave lice in the head without treating them, the quicker lice will multiply across the scalp.
Nits are silvery-white in color and oval in shape. Nits will appear as tiny grains of sand that are cemented to the hair shaft. Nits are easier to identify than adult lice because there are more of them and they don’t move around. If after you apply a treatment you still find more nits that means that the problem is worsening.
A lice infested person may have around 10-20 lice in their head. As soon as those lice lay nits, it takes the nits just seven to nine days to develop and hatch eggs of their own. That is why a quick and thorough response is necessary.

If you get frustrated trying to do it yourself you can call RoshNakki Clinics in Israel and LICENDERS Clinics in the United States. Only all natural products are used and all of their work is guaranteed, call for an appointment.