Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lice are very contagious

When treating head lice, you have to be careful that others around the infected person do not become infested themselves.
There are a number of things you can do to treat head lice, but it is vital that you remain patient and calm because it takes time to get rid of all the nits and you need your child to cooperate.
The most common method people use for lice treatment is using a lice-killing shampoo. Before applying the shampoo change your clothes,and wash what you were wearing.
You want to comb out all of the lice and nits. This can be a difficult process because it takes a long time and they are hard to see.

Every 2-3 days you should check for lice and nits in the hair and comb them out. Do this for a few weeks until you are positive that all of the lice and nits are out of the hair.
Lice are contagious and it is important that you are cautious during the lice treatment. Wash clothing in hot water, we recommend the Licenders Laundry Additive. Brushes and combs should be boiled or sprayed with an all purpose enzyme cleaner which will kill the bugs. To ensure that the rest of the family doesn’t become infested, you want to vacuum and dust the house more often than usual.
Lice treatment is difficult because it is tedious and takes awhile before all lice and nits are gone. The more cautious and patient you are with treating the lice, the quicker you will get rid of them

All LICENDERS Products are gentle on the scalp but harsh on the bug.
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